About Us

Our Mission
Cottage Housing, Inc. develops healing communities that are solution-focused, participant-driven and strength-based, where homeless people help themselves – and each other – through their transition from the streets to self-sustainability.
Solution-Focused: Applicants are encouraged to commit to personal wellness, pursue self-defined personal development goals and participate in voluntary service.
Participant-Driven: Residents are engaged as participants, rather than recipients, in every aspect of program operations.
Strength-Based: Using the Resiliency Method, we do things with people – not for them.

The Legacy
Cottage Housing, Inc. was formed in 1994 by a coalition of civic leaders seeking innovative alternatives to short-term, crisis-oriented response to the homeless dilemma. To date, nearly 75% of participants graduated with housing secure, income stabilized, and sobriety intact.
This success is made possible by our collaboration with the participants and alumni of our programs and with Mercy Housing California – the project’s construction and property manager – as well as numerous community allies.